Detecting Vision Changes

Detecting Vision Changes

Detecting Vision Changes

Detecting Vision Changes

Detecting Vision Changes

Have you noticed vision changes lately? This could be caused by a refractive error of the eye. Refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are some of the most common visual problems affecting both adults and children. There is a difference between blurry vision and cloudy vision, as cloudy vision could signal an eye disease such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. Learn how to detect certain vision changes and how to correct them with proper glasses, contact lenses or eye surgery!

Characteristic symptoms of vision loss

Watch out for symptoms of vision loss that may indicate that you are losing your vision.

Some common symptoms are:

  • Eye Pain

  • Eye injury

  • Eye Redness

  • Blurred Vision

  • Double vision

  • Unbalanced pupil size

  • Flashing Lights, Floaters, or a Gray Shadow in Your Vision

  • Sudden loss of vision in one eye

If any of these symptoms are present, check with your eye doctor for a thorough exam. When it comes to your vision, you don’t want to take risks! Visual impairment affects more than 250 million people worldwide, but 80 percent of these cases could have been avoided with proper care!

What causes vision loss?

While vision loss occurs for varying reasons, the most common reasons are age-related according to American Family Physicians.  They estimate that approximately one person in three has some form of vision-reducing eye disease by the age of 65. The most common sources of vision loss in the elderly are 1) age-related macular degeneration; 2) glaucoma; 3) cataracts; and 4) diabetic retinopathy.

No vision symptoms doesn’t mean your eyes are ok - don’t skip your exam

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about half of the estimated 61 million adults in the United States who are at high risk for serious vision loss haven’t visited an ophthalmologist in the past 12 months.  35 percent of adults don’t see an eye doctor because they don’t think an exam is necessary.

It is important to remember that eye exams don’t just gauge how well you see.  They also offer relevant information about your overall health. Many people may have other conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, infectious disease, or even an autoimmune disorder, and don’t uncover it until they get their eyes checked.

Prevent vision problems

To prevent some of the most common vision problems, experts recommend the following healthy practices:

  • Schedule regular eye exams (every 2-3 years for healthy patients under 50, yearly for patients over 50 or those with known health risk factors).

  • Find out your family's history for any eye problems.

  • Practice a healthy lifestyle.

  • Eat a nutritious diet for eyesight.

  • Wear reliable eye protection when involved in activities that could injure your vision (sports, firearms, playing paintball, hammering, cutting, sawing, drilling, etc.)

  • Avoid hazards such as fireworks.

Taking the time to practice these healthy eye steps can help you preserve your vision for years to come! Optical Masters can help you make and keep goals for optimum eye health.

Call for an exam today

If you are experiencing abnormal eye symptoms, follow up with your eye doctor to ensure that the health of your vision is not in jeopardy.  Our friendly, experienced staff at Optical Masters is here to help you with your symptoms and needs. Located at two convenient Denver locations--King Soopers Shopping Center off of South Monaco Parkway in Denver and at the Brentwood Shopping Center on Federal Boulevard--Optical Masters can offer you top-rate eye care services and help you with your eye health goals. Call us today at (720) 780-8881 to learn more and schedule a visit with our friendly team and eye doctors.

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